Tree Technology is The Green Advantage’s brand of plant health care. Landscape plant material, trees, and turf all suffer from a variety of conditions causing disease. Many of these conditions are a result of the type of plant, where they are planted, and how they are planted. The primary focus is on the health of the plant. Healthy plants with low stress levels are not as prone to disease as unhealthy. More often than not a pathogen attacks a plant that is stressed. This stress can be cause by a multitude of reasons like: available water, lack of macro and micro nutrients, bound roots, available sunlight, and type and condition of soil. Most plants used in landscape are exotic, so many of these conditions are not the same as their natural environment.
In order for disease to occur 4 elements must be present.
1. A susceptible host
2. Pathogen
3. The correct environment
4. Time
The susceptibility of the plants can be diminished by keeping them healthy. This is one focus of Tree Technology. We offer fertilizer and soil remediation to help the vigor of plants. All fertilizer is not the same and all application methods are not the same. Different plants have different requirements. Our extensive experience has granted us the knowledge of what to use and how to apply it.
Controlling the pathogen is another aspect of disease management. Once again, different pathogens require different treatment methods. Many of the methods that were common even a few years back, have become obsolete. New techniques have replaced the old in this ever changing field. In addition, invasive pests have become an issue more commonly in recent times due to a number of factors such as global trade. The Green advantage technicians are constantly training on new procedures, different pests, and alternative products.
Environmental conditions are constantly a concern. Some are controllable, some are not. Our technicians have vast knowledge on a wide variety of plant material, and often it is this knowledge that helps us inform caretakers of how to control the environment as much as possible. One of the main factors in the environment that effects plants drastically is the amount of available water. Over and under watering is a common occurrence, leading to stress and eventually disease. Another condition is soil type. This can be more difficult to adjust, but often it is as simple as aerating the soil. These are all services The Green Advantage provides.
The final factor in disease is time. Obviously no one can make more time, or go back in time; but if any of the above conditions don’t exist for enough time for disease to take place, it simply won’t. Not allowing these factors to exist long enough to cause disease is the ultimate goal.
The Green Advantage offers a variety of services for landscape plants, trees, and turf. Putting our knowledge and expertise to work for you gives us extreme joy. If there is any way we can help or any questions you may have, please do not hesitate to contact us!!
The Green Advantage are NWI’s most qualified pest control professionals.
We are local, We support our community, and We are here for you!!