I see pest control minimized quite often. “Just grab the spray”, “I picked this up at the hardware store”, and “it says it kills bugs and eggs” are often the statements we hear. The truth is, there’s a little more to it than that (would you believe it).
The science of pest control, is just that…a science. We constantly study things like modes of action, resistance, and insect behavior. It is actually pretty funny to hear the same people question the safety of chemicals, then run to the home improvement store, pick up some random product, and spray it all over their living space. Ironic, wouldn’t you say?
Responsibility to our health, the health of others, and the environment is one that should not be taken lightly and falls on all of us. I personally have witnessed the actions of the few impact the lives of many, often with incorrect information. There are several times in recent history that this activity by the few has resulted in the death of countless people. This is not to say grabbing an insecticide from the hardware store will kill anyone, but you often do not get the results you hope for and quite frequently expose yourself and your family unnecessarily to dangers you don’t even know about.
If you are one who minimizes or has done so in the past, don’t worry you are not alone. I have been known to do the same from time to time. Less frequently now than when I was younger, as with more experience and knowledge I realize more and more that true wisdom comes from both experience and knowledge. As an avid do-it-yourselfer, I have, on many occasions, minimized tasks and ended up far over my head.
A few things us professionals study and keep up to date with are:
1. Integrated pest management
2. Pest behavior
3. Resistance management
4. Modes of action
5. Persistence of chemicals
6. Options besides pesticides/chemicals
7. Timing of applications
8. Prevention of pests
9. Abatement of pests
10. Safety of pesticides/chemicals
11. Interaction of pesticides/chemicals with the environment
12. Legal use of products
13. New and updated methods and options in pest control
14. Invasive pests
Just to name a few.
Even though it was quite acceptable in the past to grab that can and spray away, no one can argue that times haven’t changed. As a society we are attempting to be more responsible. Knowledge gained from experience has proven our lack of foresight in the past. The negative impacts of irrational behavior has resulted in the countless demise of many. Even with the newer ideas that “natural is better”, few take into account that natural does not eliminate safety precautions (remember asbestos is natural). Many of the natural products on the market can and will lead to the same problems we experience with synthetics, if they are not properly used and respected.
By no means am I writing this to overcomplicate what we do. I’m simply sharing some of what goes on behind the scenes that most don’t have access to. When most think of pest control, their minds often jump to images of John Goodman and his spray rig (Arachnophobia, for you youngsters :) ). The truth is a little more complex, and a lot more scientific.
Here at The Green Advantage, we have a passion for pest control. I often talk about my late nights reading pesticide labels while sitting with my family as they enjoy a movie. Our education never ceases as we look for better ways to service our friends, who happen to be our customers. If there is any way we can help you let us know!!
We are NWI’s most qualified pest control professionals.
We are local, we support our community, and we are here for you!!