Everywhere in life we must balance our wants, our needs, our opportunities, and our budget. In a world where quality varies drastically from company to company and product to product, this can be a complicated feat. Often leading to buyers’ remorse, resentment, and needs not being met. The old adage that you get what you pay for, doesn’t always apply as higher prices do not necessarily mean higher quality. It most certainly applies to the lower prices, as it is financially impossible to sustain high quality for any period of time at price points that do not support the service model.
This has led me to utilize a different standard when choosing services or products. I assess what problems I am attempting to solve. I research a company, service, or product and evaluate whether it can reasonably mitigate or eliminate current issues. If one of these does ease my situation, I then analyze the price, determining if the price can sustain the promises made to me.
A price lower than what is sensible is a red flag for several reasons:
- Rarely will you get what is promised from unreasonably low pricing.
- Poor pricing policies are an indicator of inexperience.
- Often, the original problem will not even be solved.
- Was money really saved if the original issue still exists?
Prices higher than anticipated raise the question of what else is included:
- Is there a warranty?
- Is the scheduling acceptable (faster usually costs more)?
- Is the reputation becoming?
- Ultimately, is this something that fits in the budget?
This leads me to my ultimate question, does this save me time and solve a predicament? To put it another way, how much does this solution involve me? The less the conclusion involves me the more I’m willing to pay for it. If I can’t afford the solutions that actually solve the problem, I do not waste money on lower priced options that typically only solve my issues on paper. There is a tendency to do this as it makes us feel as if we have done something. Often, we try to hold the lower price business or product to the standards of the higher; this has never turned out to be favorable to me. Paying for a service that does not solve an issue is simply wasting money.
In the world of environmental science, we use the term economic threshold. Simply put, what is the amount we are willing to spend to get a desired result. When working with agriculture this is a mathematical equation; If we treat, we save this amount of crop, if the dollar amount of crop we save exceeds the cost of the application, it is wise to do so. If the dollar amount of crop that can be saved does not exceed the cost of the application, the application will rarely occur. instances that would be exceptions would be the risk of an issue spreading and the potential for further damage.
At The Green Advantage, we are always looking for better ways to solve problems. Adding value to our services has allowed us to help so many people. Influencing others to follow in this strategy is extremely satisfying, it means that we are helping even more people by raising the standard of the industry. We will continue to utilize the most advanced techniques, increasing value further while enhancing effectiveness and safety.
For all your pest control needs, you deserve better pest control.
We are NWI’s most qualified pest control professionals.
We ARE local! We support OUR community!! And…We are here for YOU!!!!