Finding a cockroach in your home or workplace can be a terribly frightening event. The horror stories we have seen, or more than likely heard about, are terrifying. The reproduction rate is astounding, with potential to reach millions in a single year!! The filth that comes with them, including the increase in risk of disease. Their evasiveness and speed is simply creepy.
Let’s take a look at some of the facts regarding these repulsive pests!
There are approximately 4,000 species of cockroaches worldwide. Far less actually cause people any trouble. There are 5 we typically see causing problems for people in our area.
1. German Cockroach
2. American Cockroach
3. Oriental Cockroach
4. Brown-banded Cockroach
5. Wood Roach
Let’s take a look first at the 2 that shouldn’t worry anyone to a high degree. The American Cockroach and the Wood Roach are very common in wooded areas. Their natural environment is high humidity areas with decaying organic material, namely leaves and wood. One of the main reasons we see them occasionally invade homes is due to leaf litter around the structure. As these areas are heated by the sun during the day, it lowers the humidity. When this happens, the roaches look for more accommodating environments, often wandering into homes. These roaches cannot survive let alone reproduce in low humidity environments, and our houses rarely are optimum for this activity. The best ways to protect yourself from these pests is to keep leaf litter away from the structure, keep the humidity in homes as low as can be tolerated, and most importantly perimeter barrier treatments (general pest control services). Control for these critters happens relatively quickly when these items are attended to.
The other cockroaches are the German Cockroach, the Oriental Cockroach, and the Brown-banded Cockroach. The most common, and justifiably the most feared, of these is the German Cockroach. With a very rapid reproduction rate, the ability to adapt to many environments, variable diet requirements, and the worst of these qualities resistance to many pesticides; it’s no wonder they are so dreaded. The common issue when it comes to these nuisances is sanitary. Their need for available food is what makes them thrive. They do require an amount of humidity, but not to the extent of the American Cockroach or the Wood Roach. These roaches commonly torment restaurant kitchens and poorly maintained residences. The first and most important part of control is to correct the sanitary conditions. Unfortunately, this is not always as simple as it sounds. A splatter of grease by the stove is enough for them to feed for some time; so, it is important to be very particular. Once the cleanliness is addressed, mechanical control can be utilized. Simply vacuuming up the insects using a vacuum with HEPA filtration can result in a large elimination, but unfortunately will not be sufficient for complete control. A substantial issue with these pests is resistance to pesticides. Their rapid reproduction rate enhances their ability to survive and become resistant to products. This is where experience and knowledge come into play as these issues can be overcome strategically. Using the proper products in varying formulations, control can be obtained and maintained.
The bottom line is don’t let these or any other pests interfere with your happiness. We have the knowledge, experience, and high quality products to solve these issues with you. We are your resource after all;
We ARE local, We support OUR community, and We are here for YOU!!