First lets address what a disease is. Disease is anything that negatively effects a plants health and vigor. Yes, this does include abiotic like incorrect watering and not enough sunlight, as well as biotic; insect infestations and fungal infections.
Abiotic disease is anything caused by non-living components. Soil, water, sunlight, many nutrient deficiencies fall in this category. Abiotic problems can occur suddenly, but more often show over time. They cause stress in plants, and leave them very susceptible to biotic disease. Reducing stressors causing abiotic disease is pertinent to the health of a plant. Abiotic disease is far more frequent in landscape and gardening than biotic disease. For this reason, many of the treatments involve root zone fertilizers, advice on pruning, watering, and correcting drainage. Two of the most overlooked abiotic factors (in my opinion) are planting preparation and maintenance (we discus this in other posts).
Biotic disease is caused by living components; bacteria, fungi, nematodes, parasitic plants, and viruses. Treatment involves the correct diagnosis of what is infecting the plant, so treatment can be determined. Most biotic diseases are treatable. Some require ongoing treatment as the infection either can only be suppressed or susceptibility to reinfection is very high. It must be determined the chances of recovery from infection. It is not uncommon for treatment to be declined as the plant has already surpassed chances of recovery. Fortunately, there is knowledge on what plants are susceptible to certain infections and preventative measures can be taken to avoid infection or at least avoid the negative effects of infection (mainly demise). A good example is apple scab (Venturia inaequalis), a fungal disease that attacks apples and crabapples and Rhizosphaera needlecast in spruces. Both these diseases are so common to their host, that treatments should begin before symptoms. This avoids the unsightly consequences that occur and drastically reduces the stress that is put on the trees.
These things can be confusing and complicated. That is why we created Tree Technology by The Green Advantage. We are your source for information and experience in dealing with these issues. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like an evaluation by an arborist, don't hesitate, give us a call!!