When we think of deadly, people usually think alligators, rhinoceros, or sharks!! The truth is much, much smaller though. Throughout history a pest that still plagues us today has been responsible for far more deaths than any other. This little bloodsucker has humbled humanity throughout history. It is responsible for altering DNA (sickle cell), changing the course of human events (Roman Empire, Mongolian Empire), and never ceases to expand on fear and dread even to this day (Eastern Equine Virus, West Nile Virus, Zika, and many more!). What we are discussing is the, more than pesky, mosquito.
Did you know that the mosquito is responsible for killing more than half of all humans that ever existed? That's right HALF!!! Even today mosquitos kill twice as many people as people do! Which is mind boggling considering people are often credited as the biggest destroyer of their own species. Mosquitos are responsible for about 1 million deaths a year, mostly attributed to malaria. Here in the United States malaria has been, for the most part, eliminated with less than 2,000 cases a year diagnosed, mainly from international travellers. This eradication in the United States occurred during the mid 20th century, with the development of newer more effective insecticides. Even with this success in the battle, not a summer goes by that we don't hear about the risks of other diseases mosquitos spread, like West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Virus, Western Equine Virus, St. Louis Encephalitis, LaCrosse Encephalitis, and Zika Virus.
Humans have adapted due to the epidemics spread by mosquitos. One of the most well known is Sickle cell, as it also has brought it's own list of problems to the table. Sickle cell is believed to have evolved and spread due to the fact that it causes an immunity to some mosquito borne diseases. Many of these diseases would cause death by the age of 5. Sickle cell would often result in death by the early 20's, but allowed for propagation and resulted in the spread of Sickle cell through populations. Several other mutations also find their roots in the mosquito some have yet to be discovered, but the altering of DNA may soon be the mosquito's demise. Scientist have been experimenting with genetically modified mosquitos which spread deformities to other mosquitos. These deformities inhibit them from spreading diseases and do not allow them to reproduce. There is a large controversy over the ethicacy of this control method and what long term effects it may have.
Through history mosquitos have made their impact. The death of Alexander the Great is attributed to malaria. The mighty Genghis Khan succumbed to typhoid fever. Even royalty like King Tutankhamun couldn't escape the mosquitos wrath! From ancient Sumeria to the Roman Era, through the Middle ages and the Crusades, to the World Wars, and all the way to the present day, the mosquito has impacted our civilization more than we could ever know.
These are not harmless insects without victims. Protect yourself, but also keep in mind the next time you are being "eaten alive", that you are not the only one. All humans in all of history have experienced the same! We are fortunate enough to live in a time where we have technology and knowledge to mitigate the risks more than ever before. If you have questions be sure to contact us for more information.