The Professionals at The Green Advantage want to be sure that you know the basic information about Oak Wilt and how to protect your Oak Trees from Oak Wilt. One of our services is the use of anti-fungal injections to help keep Oak Trees healthy from developing Oak Wilt. Oak Trees in Indiana and other Midwest states are being affected by a fungal infection known as oak wilt that can cause them to die. Oak wilt affects all oak species, although red oaks will experience a faster decline than white oaks, which can sustain the fungus for several years. Initial symptoms of oak wilt will appear at the top portions of trees, beginning in June. The symptoms seen on leaves is a bronze or tan coloring beginning at the tip and moving to the leaf base. If you removed the bark on wilting branching will show dark brown streaks.
Infected trees can be bare of leaves by late summer due to defoliating. Pressure from the fungal mat can split the bark vertically the following spring. Oak wilt is caused by Ceratocystis fagacearum which causes damage to the trees vascular system and disrupts the flow of both water and nutrients. Oak wilt can be spread due to two factors sap-feeding beetles move the fungus from a diseased tree to a healthy one, and root graphs. Root graphs occur when trees within fifty feet and the roots unite.
Prevention of this infection is the only option for long-term tree health. The Green Advantage offers preventative treatment for Oak Wilt which includes applying a preventative fungicides. Other tips for keeping Oak trees healthy include, pruning during the low risk time frame from December 1st to March 1st. Sanitary pruning may save trees in the white and bur oak group at first indication of oak wilt the branch can be removed in an effort to save the tree. The disruption of root graphs of oak trees within fifty feet of each other is recommended this can be completed with equipment or with chemicals. Once a red oak tree is infected it should be removed and grind out the stumps. Removal is suggested to be performed during winter for low risk spread of oak wilt.
This link will bring you to the Purdue extension pamphlet on oak wilt in Indiana.